Saturday, June 18, 2011

Medication for slip disc

There ara 4 types of pils were given to me to treat this problem : LYRICA PREGABALIN 75mg,   METHYCOBAL 500mg, MYONAL EPERISONE 50mg AND TRAMUNDIN 100mg.  Wondering ??? What is the purpose ? What is the side effects ?
 Ada yang make me sleepy.

GENERIC NAME: pregabalin


DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Pregabalin is an oral medication that is chemically related to gabapentin (Neurontin, Gabarone). It is used for treating pain caused by neurologic diseases such as postherpetic neuralgia as well as seizures. It also is used for treating fibromyalgia. The mechanism of action of pregabalin is unknown. Pregabalin binds to calcium channels on nerves and may modify the release of neurotransmitters (chemicals that nerves use to communicate with each other). Reducing communication between nerves may contribute to pregabalin's effect on pain and seizures. The FDA approved pregabalin in December 2004.

PRESCRIBED FOR: Pregabalin is used for neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy or postherpetic neuralgia and in combination with other drugs to treat partial onset seizures in adults. It also is used for treating fibromyalgia. 

SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects of pregabalin are dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, edema (accumulation of fluid), blurred vision, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating. Other side effects include reduced blood platelet counts, and increased blood creatinine kinase levels. Increased creatinine kinase can be a sign of muscle injury, and in clinical trials three patients experienced rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle injury). Therefore, patients should report unexplained muscle pain, tenderness or weakness to their doctors, especially if associated with fever and malaise (reduced well-being). Pregabalin has rarely been associated with angioedema (swelling of the face, tongue, lips, and gums, throat and larynx). 

To know more , go this website:

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