Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sweet Thought on Father's Day 16 Jun 2013


Anak2 meraikan father's Day. Mereka masak kek (walaupun mungkin rasanya kurang) tetapi abah really appreciate it. Dia makan sampai habis. macam biasa kembar akan membuat kad yang kreatif dan gaya bahasa yang sangat menyentuh hati bah. Cair abah..

Notes untuk abah yang sangat touching.

Dear Abah,

I’m always been the trouble maker, the rebellious child and constantly testing your patience all these 19 years. 
But you never get mad and still love me so much.

I remembered the days when I was a little girl and I can’t sleep and you were very kind to sleep with me, read me a book and listen to my weird imaginations. Every-single-night.

I remembered you came to us one night, I was pretending to be sleeping and I saw you killed the evil mosquitoes that bite us.

I remembered that Wednesday when you came to meet me at school but you don’t know I had Taekwondo training and you waited for hours! 
You didn’t get mad, you just said I’ll come again this weekend"

I cried like a child. Because I hate waiting and you waited for me that long, it just break my heart.

I remembered when I was sick, you take good care of me. You give me medicine on time, buy my favourite food, concern about me until I feel better. 

I may be a doctor one day, Abah, insyaAllah. But you are my doctor! I’m your apprentice. Hehe

You always want to hear me. Even with my weird thoughts, and questions.

There are so many good things about you that I remembered, Abah.

If there is anyone who show me, in real life, a few of sunnah Rasulullah SAW, I should say it is you.

You are the strongest person,dad! You never get mad. Easily.

You didnt laugh out loud, you just smile.

And you and Ummi show me the greatest love in the world. 

You are the best, Abah.

And I love you so much, I hope Allah will let us all be together forever.



the-good-dauthter, insyaAllah.

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...