Thursday, February 16, 2012


Assalamualikum ,

Agak lama tak menulis. Kali ni nak share  beberapa tulisan Mufti Ismail Menk yang amat menyentuh hati, megingatkan kita yang kadang2 lupa dan lalai.


We are taught to apologize whenever we have erred against others or wronged them in any way. Saying "I am sorry" genuinely, can resolve major issues that have lasted a long time. Admitting fault is a highly praised quality of the true believer.

Many people deny their faults out of pride. This causes families to crumble, partnerships & even communities at times. This is why we are taught to introspect, even if we think we are correct. Strangely, some people actually believe it is an insult to apologize and so they will never admit their guilt. Accepting an apology from those we believe are genuine, is also a very highly recommended deed that has many benefits. Those who keep repeating the same errors and keep apologizing have none other than themselves to blame when their apology is taken lightly or 


Those who do not really want to apologize for the wrong they have done choose words that make it seem to be an apology yet it is not. "I am sorry for how you felt" is neither an admission of guilt nor an apology for what was done. It is more like saying, "What I did was correct but how you felt was wrong." The same applies to those who "apologize for how you reacted". Is it not foolish to apologize for a reaction by someone else, of our deed or utterance?

If we were truly apologetic for what we did, we would consider ourselves wrong and put aside all pride by choosing words like "I am sorry for what I said or did". Many times when a "but" is added to an apology it is a mere justification or a showered down apology which could be insincere. 

Whenever we apologize we should consider the wording of the apology and be as clear and sincere as possible. Never allow pride to block, disrupt, delay or water down an apology owed to others. 

May the Almighty forgive our shortcomings and guide us to the straight path


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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...