Thursday, February 16, 2012


When we demand an apology from those who have wronged us, hurt us or oppressed us in any way, it is similar to asking them to acknowledge that we are NOT what they have said we are or that we have not done what they have claimed or do not deserve their remarks. They may apologize solely due to pressure or to save face but not necessarily out of being convinced about how wrong they were. 

Some people feel that demanding an apology is only a face saver and does not necessarily resolve the matter at hand, hence they will not ask others to apologize but may choose to engage them in positive discussion if they feel there is benefit in doing so. It is not only very wrong, but absolutely unnecessary to oppress others, hurt them or harm them in any way. If we have done so, then we should apologize before being asked to do so bearing in mind that we are taught that those whom we have oppressed in any way have their prayers against us answered if they choose that route. 

This status is merely food for thought, encouraging us not to harm others and to apologize as soon as we realize without waiting to be called upon to do so.

Mufti Ismail Menk

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...