Monday, October 15, 2018

Graduation Hidayah 24.10.2018

Copy n Paste from Hidayah FB. 

Nice . Alhamdulilah


A little late post cuz Im a little choked up in emotions.
Suddenly my whole education life kinda flashes back in my mind, it had came to an end.
Although the end is still far away as seeking knowledge is a lifelong journey, but today, has to be the biggest milestone in that journey so far.☺️

Like the President of UniKL said,
Jika ingin dihitung jasa, selaut tidak cukup, segunung pun tidak tertutup.
Jika ingin dibilang budi, sejelapang tidak mencukupi, sepadang lagilah tidak meliputi.
Jika ingin disampaikan cerita, seabad tidak sempat,
Jika ingin ditulis buku, berkajang kertas pun, cerita tidak habis.

Im not very good with words. So I just want to thank everyone in my life whom has made this journey meaningful until this day happened. Especially to my parents, Ummi Sariati binti Dalib and Abah Abdul Hadi binti Abdul Hamid. Without both of them, I certainly wouldn’t have what I have today. I owe my life to them. And this one’s for you.

I would also like to thank my beloved family, my amazing teachers, my sponsor, MARA and all of my friends. Nobody can make it on their own, so thank you for being with me in this journey, love you all.😊

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...