Wednesday, May 3, 2017



Sudah seminggu Temah dan anaknya Chitam menghilangkan diri. Tinggal Tompok sebatang kara.  

2/5/17: saya dapati Tompok kurang sihat. 

Mungkin ke Tompok rindu mak dan saudara kembarnya.? Risau dan sedih  melihat Tompok begitu. Tak sangka pulak melihat reaksi suami yang juga berbeza , sangat prihatindan simpati kepada Tompok. Dia yang dari tadi menghalang saya mengusap Tompok kerana  risau saya dijangkiti virus yang  menyerang Tompok .  tiba2 dia pula yang asyik mengusap kepala Tompok , memberi makan dan minum.

3/5//2017: saya tak melibat kelibat Tompok. Kerja yang banyak menyebabkan saya tak ke rumah semasa rehat tengahari. Pada Petang saya lihat keadaan Tompok semakin teruk. Suami dah bawa dia ke Klinik dan menurut   doktor sukar untuk Tompok sihat kmbali kerana virus telah menyerang Tompok hingga ke otak. Allahu..sedih lihat keadaannya. Tiada daya lagi kami, Hanya Allah yang tahu apa yang terbaik.  

4/5/2017: Keadaan Tompok semakin kritikal. Hidayah bawa Tompok Ke Klinik Haiwan yang lain pula. Tompok warded.

5/5/2017: mendapat panggilan dari klinik tersebut..Tompok telah pergi. Tompok disemadikan bawah pokok yang rendang  oleh abah dan acik.

Tompok adalah kucing biasa -biasa tetapi memberi impak yang luarbiasa. Dia menyebabkan anak2 kami menjadi  penyayang dan prihatin. Kami sekeluarga merasa kehilangan  Temah sekeluarga  iaitu Temah beserta anak2nya Chitam dan Tompok yang dilahirkan di rumah kami. Mereka selalunya akan menyambut kami di depan pintu pada bila2 masa. 

Saya share Poem Anna untuk Tompok. Amat menyentuh hati:


When the first time I saw you,
you were so little,
almost the size of my thumb but bigger,
your white fur and black patches,
was just how we started call you, Tompok.

When you grew up,
we play with strings in my hands,
and you will twisted your body ,
running around,
from right to left,
and it will never be enough.
When I pat your head, I always knew that one day,
there will be no more times like this,

I felt bad because I've never
appreciate your welcome right in front of the door,
I felt bad because when you cry,
I never would've listen and care enough to pat you with my hands not wanting them to get dirty,
I felt bad because I've never had known that you were hungry,
I felt bad because I've never know that you're lonely,
I felt bad because I've never know that you were ,

Doctor said that you had brain virus,
and that we shouldn't touch you,
but we did hear her,
we just use the last time to hold you with hands covered,
with socks, gloves or anything that we've seen
just to feel your body taking the last few breaths ,
before it goes away like cold wind.

I force myself to stop breathing,
because for how many times I've taken oxygen ,
it's the first time to see that there's never enough ,
for you anymore,
I felt like I took so much of it after seeing you gasp for air,
to fill in your lungs because your weak body
was making it was so hard
to swallow the wind to live.

I felt bad because I wasn't there to put my head against your chest
to hear your last heartbeat,
until you've been covered with black plastic bag,
that's when I know,
there isn't going to be any more rushing towards the front door,
any more white fur on top of my shoes,
any more uncluttered cat foods on the floor,
there's no more avoiding from stepping over a
 tiny body lying on the stairs,
or if there's any more strings to play with.

I carry your body with my bare hands,
trying to avoid my eyes from seeing your body
half disappear,
or my brain to stop speaking, "live, live, live",
visible bones of yours and mouth open are too much to look at,
you look painful ,
And as hurtful as it is,
 I guess our time are too short,
so thank you ,
For the memories.


May 6, 2017

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...