Thursday, December 26, 2013

Why am i suddenly feeling dizzy?


Saya diminta untuk merasmikan Persidangan Sains dan Teknologi di tempat kerja. Beberapa minit sebelum memulakan ucapan, tiba-tiba saya mengalami dizziness. Kepala terasa pening  dan suasana menjadi berpusing-pusing dan rasa nak muntah. Setelah minum air mineral dan relaks sebentar, rasa pening pun hilang ..Alhamdulialh..

Setelah selesai persidangan tersebut, saya mencari maklumat tentang symptom yang saya alami ini. Dari pembacaan saya di internet,  artikel  di bawah membantu saya mengenalpasti penyakit ini, cara atasinya dan exercise yang berkaitan. Semoga ianya membantu anda juga.


Vertigo is one of the most unpleasant symptoms you can suffer from, second only to unrelieved pain in my experience. So I do feel for you.The word vertigo can cause confusion. In medicine, the term refers to a nauseating feeling that the world is rotating around you. You feel like you've lost your balance and need to hold onto something to prevent yourself falling.

The best example is the one we all experience as children, when, jumping off a spinning roundabout in the playground, we stagger about uncontrollably and fall over.The common use of the word vertigo, however, refers to the ghastly feeling that some of us get when looking down from a great height - which is different, and is fundamentally a psychological phenomenon.

Our perception of stability, movement and orientation originates in the balance mechanisms in each inner ear, deep in the skull. These mechanisms consist of three fluid-filled canals with hair cells. As the head moves, so does the fluid against these hair cells, which send nerve impulses to the brain, informing it about the body position.

Vertigo occurs when something goes wrong with these messages. The most common type is called benign positional vertigo (BPV).

This is a harmless condition which makes you feel like you are spinning when you simply change posture - such as rolling over in bed. The condition can settle in a few minutes or grumble along for days, and it does cause distress until a diagnosis is made and reassurance can be given.
The problem occurs when crystals form in the canal fluid, so as you move your head these crystals tumble about, giving the false impression that you're moving and causing the spinning sensation. (There are exercises you can do to get rid of these crystals.)

Another cause is viral neuronitis - an inflammation of the nerves that send the messages to the brain. Inflammation can be caused by many things, most commonly a virus, which can be infectious. The key symptom is the sudden onset of incapacitating vertigo, which lasts up to a week. The spinning sensations gradually fade away over days.

The third cause is acute labyrinthitis, where inflammation affects the balance mechanism. This, too, may be viral in origin. It causes hearing loss and tinnitus (the perception of a ringing sound), as well as the vertigo.

Lastly, Meniere's disease, which causes recurrent bouts of vertigo with tinnitus in one ear and a degree of hearing loss. Each episode lasts from a few minutes to several hours, and in the later stages of the disease the hearing loss is progressive and permanent.

Learn more about vertigo and  the BPV Exercise


There are exercises for benign postural vertigo patients that can be done at home, but only after a doctor's evaluation. These may reduce symptoms of benign vertigo.

1.    Sit on the edge of your bed near the middle, with legs hanging down.
2.    Turn your head 45 degrees to your right side.
3.    Quickly lie down on your left side, with your head still turned, touching the bed with the portion of your head behind your ear.
4.    Hold this position for 30 seconds.
5.    Sit up again. Hold position for 30 seconds.
6.    Quickly turn your head 45 degrees toward your left side and lie down on your right side. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
7.    Sit up again. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
8.    Repeat this exercise 4 to 5 times, 3 times per day.

Home care

Home care for benign positional vertigo includes:

Avoid caffeine. - ini yang saya suka sangat
Avoid exposure to bright lights.
Avoid rapid movements of the head.
Lie still in a comfortable position, flat on your side.
Perform exercises for benign positional vertigo.
Avoid falls:
Elderly people must have assistance in order to walk.
Avoid stairs
Avoid food that contains sugar
Eat a low salt diet.
Avoid exposure to secondary smoke.
Take prescribed medications as directed.

BPV Warnings sign

Notify your doctor if you have benign positional vertigo and any of the following:

Change in vision
Loss of hearing
Difficulty speaking
Difficulty swallowing
Worsening headaches
Episodes of dizziness or vertigo that persist for more than 2 days
Worsening ringing in your ears
Repeated vomiting

Worsening vertigo

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...