Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Family is given much importance and status by the Almighty. Great emphasis is laid on maintaining family ties. Whether parents, siblings, children, uncles, aunts, spouse, in laws etc we must ensure that we respect them and only utter good words to them even during a period of crisis.
Whenever we have issues to resolve, we should not delay in addressing them as they can be passed through generations causing huge fueds amongst one extended family. Similarly we should never embarrass or ashame a family member by insulting them or abusing them in the presence of others. This can cause a long term scar and pain in the heart which we would not like for ourselves.

The Messenger pbuh used to say that those who would like a long blessed life and a good memory of them after their demise should maintain their family ties. He also said maintaining family ties does not mean to reciprocate the goodness of one another but the true person who has maintained family ties is he who goes out of his way to resolve matters of dispute to mend the family relations after they have been cut off by the other.
We should not rest until we truly love one another and show that clearly to one another. For this, humbleness and respect is required coupled with tolerance and the quality of forgiveness.
No matter what you want to say to your family members, say it respectfully.

Although this is dedicated to the family, it applies to others as well.

Very powerful and beautiful words from  Mufti Ismail Menk

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...