Saturday, February 18, 2012


If we count the favors of the Almighty upon us and ponder over them carefully, they will eclipse the difficulties we may be facing. Whenever we go through some hardship whether long or short term, we tend to become totally oblivious of the countless bounties of the Almighty upon us. 

Nobody on earth can claim to have no trials, hardships or tests. The difference is mainly connected to how each individual deals with his or her tests and trials. Some never stop complaining whilst others come across very content although they may be going through an even greater test. 

The secret is to develop our faith in the Almighty and His Mercy, be thankful for what we have and help ourselves by looking at those who are in a worse situation. This will most certainly assist us through the remainder of our lives and take us through to the next - with a smile! Aameen


Imagine what life would be like without the poor. What would happen to the charities of the wealthy? Where would they be given and who would accept them? A great door of worship known as alms giving would be closed. It is for this reason that we should consider the poor a blessing. Through assisting them, we gain closeness to the Almighty. Those in need cross our paths at times as a test from the Almighty. 

We must remember though, that the best charity is the one given in secret, in such a way that even the left hand knows NOT what the right hand has spent. Never allow Satan to spoil the reward of a charity by bragging about it, belittling the poor, making them feel that because of us they survive, or even demanding undue acknowledgement as though they now owe us because of what we gave them. The intention must be solely to please the Almighty. 

Whenever we give wholeheartedly and teach our children and family members to do the same, we have invested in one of the most rewarding "businesses". The handsome returns in this world and the next will make us smile and enjoy the well deserved bliss we have been searching for all along. Always remember to respect the poor.

Mufti Ismail Menk


Forgiveness is not for the weak. Being able to forgive those who have wronged you is a mark of spiritual strength and confidence. When you forgive, you grow, your heart begins to heal, your back straightens up, your eyes clear so that you can see the road ahead. Anger is a spiritual sickness; but when you forgive you live. ~*

The Messenger pbuh has told us that closer to the Last Day, time will pass by faster and faster. A year will feel like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day and a day like an hour. Amazingly we feel this prophecy today where the day goes by like a few minutes and before we realise, the week is over and then the month and the year too. This is why we must ensure that we make the most of every valuable second at hand. When we are not focused and have no proper goals in life, we waste our days and weeks, months and years in achieivng nothing meaningful. Let us set clear goals, focus on them, work hard towards achieivng them and not give up. Bear in mind that although we may have many goals, our ultimate goal should be to please our Maker.

Mufti Ismail Mnek

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Album 2 .Bercuti di Langkawi


Twin and Nina 

Ummi, Achik and Nina

Abang dan Belangkasnya


Nina dan Anna

Abah, Tok Yah dan Opah Baru


When we demand an apology from those who have wronged us, hurt us or oppressed us in any way, it is similar to asking them to acknowledge that we are NOT what they have said we are or that we have not done what they have claimed or do not deserve their remarks. They may apologize solely due to pressure or to save face but not necessarily out of being convinced about how wrong they were. 

Some people feel that demanding an apology is only a face saver and does not necessarily resolve the matter at hand, hence they will not ask others to apologize but may choose to engage them in positive discussion if they feel there is benefit in doing so. It is not only very wrong, but absolutely unnecessary to oppress others, hurt them or harm them in any way. If we have done so, then we should apologize before being asked to do so bearing in mind that we are taught that those whom we have oppressed in any way have their prayers against us answered if they choose that route. 

This status is merely food for thought, encouraging us not to harm others and to apologize as soon as we realize without waiting to be called upon to do so.

Mufti Ismail Menk


When we are new at a university, amongst the many decisions we have to make is the friends we will allow into our circle. At times this is done without much thought if any at all, yet this decision can actually shape our whole future.

University life can make you or break you so always remain focus and ensure that you are in the right company. The worst of habits can be picked up so easily as we mix and interact with all sorts of people. 

In today's universities, the danger of falling into the cheap lifestyle is far greater than before and so is the pressure. Whilst many have developed their spirituality in these crucial years of life, some have lost themselves in the wilderness of their surroundings. Why should we follow the habits of those lower than us in morality, modesty & spirituality whilst supposedly studying at university. If we are to take anything let it be the best and purest of habits in a way that will leave us with no regrets and closer to the Almighty.

mufti Menk

Aha's Drawing Untuk Abah

Hasil Lukisan :
Nur Faraha binti Abdul Hadi 
10 tahun


Assalamualikum ,

Agak lama tak menulis. Kali ni nak share  beberapa tulisan Mufti Ismail Menk yang amat menyentuh hati, megingatkan kita yang kadang2 lupa dan lalai.


We are taught to apologize whenever we have erred against others or wronged them in any way. Saying "I am sorry" genuinely, can resolve major issues that have lasted a long time. Admitting fault is a highly praised quality of the true believer.

Many people deny their faults out of pride. This causes families to crumble, partnerships & even communities at times. This is why we are taught to introspect, even if we think we are correct. Strangely, some people actually believe it is an insult to apologize and so they will never admit their guilt. Accepting an apology from those we believe are genuine, is also a very highly recommended deed that has many benefits. Those who keep repeating the same errors and keep apologizing have none other than themselves to blame when their apology is taken lightly or 


Those who do not really want to apologize for the wrong they have done choose words that make it seem to be an apology yet it is not. "I am sorry for how you felt" is neither an admission of guilt nor an apology for what was done. It is more like saying, "What I did was correct but how you felt was wrong." The same applies to those who "apologize for how you reacted". Is it not foolish to apologize for a reaction by someone else, of our deed or utterance?

If we were truly apologetic for what we did, we would consider ourselves wrong and put aside all pride by choosing words like "I am sorry for what I said or did". Many times when a "but" is added to an apology it is a mere justification or a showered down apology which could be insincere. 

Whenever we apologize we should consider the wording of the apology and be as clear and sincere as possible. Never allow pride to block, disrupt, delay or water down an apology owed to others. 

May the Almighty forgive our shortcomings and guide us to the straight path



Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...