Monday, May 16, 2011

Special Letter From My Princess Nur Hidayah

To: Ummi
From: Dayah
For: Mother’s DayJ

10th February 1993 evoke the day a beautiful and special woman in my heart, Sariati Dalib as a mother. On this day, no one could ever tell the joy in her heart as she heard the loud cry of her first prince after she hardly assembled all her energy for the last unbearable push. The cry echoed in the labour room. The world becomes the most pleasant place to be with this newborn prince. The doctor and nurses smile happily. Tears of happiness slide down my mother’s face as she embraced the little boy who she had been carrying for nine months. The beautiful baby boy resembles mom and dad’s eternal love. Luqman Hafizuddin is the name chose by mom and dad for my brother. Her struggles and sacrifices had given a new soul the opportunity to see the world.
Her sacrifices repeated when she gave birth to all of us. Two princes and four princesses. My forth brother, Syukri Hanif was a special case during the labouring according to my mother. Back in time my mom pregnant him, the technology is not as advance as now. There is no such thing as 3D-scanner. Subsequently, the doctors can’t detect that my little brother will be delivered as face-presentation-case. Praise for Allah, my little brother was delivered normally with no deformation at all. According to the doctor, this kind of case usually caused the baby to two conditions; broke his/her neck; or died. And for the safety of the baby, the labour should be carried in the main hospital conducted by expert specialists. “But, my baby was delivered normally and he is saved,” mom said to me the other day. “But the doctor catches a cold the next day,” she continued. The nurses said, “Dr Razak will not handle the case if he knew it was face-presentation. It was the first case in that hospital.” Honestly, the record breaking continued until now-with his own wayJ Mom took extra care for Uki. She woke up early in the morning to bath Uki. She just cannot give her trust to the babysitters or anyone else as Uki is so tiny at that time. She just needs the babysitters to watch over him when she’s at work. Until Uki managed to move his neck, no one ever cradle him except her and dad.
My mom is the best example I could ever take. She is a strong, independent woman. A woman I would hardly be like. She is the woman with so much good values to take from. Some people said, values in life took years of experience. But, she had it all.  She is just too good to be true. If I could ever write everything she had done for the family especially me, here. It just will not be enough. My dad is so lucky to have her as her woman. And I know how much dad love her. Today is a special day for her. And I want to take this opportunity to wish you

We all loves you very-very much and thank you for always be the best mother ever for all of us.

A beautiful Notes from My princess
Nur Hidayah

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Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...