Thursday, July 20, 2017

An Inspiring Note

Dear Ummi and Abah,

I pray Allah will ease your journey for Hajj. May He welcome both of you with warmth and pleasure, may He accept your worships and sacrifices, may He forgive your sins and may He bless you with paradise of Firdaus for doing mabrur Hajj. 

As this is the first time you are the ones leaving us for a long time, I can't help myself from feeling a little bit scared. But ultimately I am genuinely happy for you. This is your call. This is the once in a lifetime opportunity to devote yourself to the One who loves you the most. For a month, leaving the worldly affairs behind you and focused on Him alone. 

Dont worry, as He had invited you, He will take care of us like He always does. So please don't worry about us. We will manage. We will be okay. We will always pray for your safety, smooth sailing and safe return. Enjoy the journeyđź’– Remember us in your prayers.  Love you so much Ummi, Abah. See you soon.

From:   Your Daughter Nur Hidayah

Aamiin Ya Rabb Alamin

Ummi: Thank you so much My lovely daughter , for the wishes. Trust Allah, He is the best planner.

1 comment:

  1. selamat pergi dan selamat kembali puan dan suami.. semoga beroleh haji yang mabrur.. mohon maaf jika ada kesilapan dari saya.. doakan agar saya juga akan ke sana nnt...



Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...