Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A letter for my annoying little sisters; Aha and Anna.

A letter for my annoying little sisters; Aha and Anna.


Today you both got the result you had been anxiously waiting for.

 I don't know how do you guys feel about it. But of course we all want to be the best and get the best results. 

So I know even how much we try to convince ourselves its okay, we do fell a little sad about it. Sometimes, that feeling can be a good thing and make us more eager to prove ourselves.

I really hope you are fine with your results, but in case you don’t, then here's a few things you need to know.

You guys are amazing.

Not everyone can learn to play musical instruments at your age by self taught.

Not everyone can paint amazing paintings like you guys did and not everyone can do what you can do at your age.

I want you guys to think positively about the results instead of feeling down or less than anyone who did better.

This journey of learning is still a long way to go, sisters.

And I believe if you have the right attitude and dedication on it you will succeed.

Ummi once told me,the only person you should be better than , is yourself.

So it doesn’t matter how small the steps you make or how slow your progress is, as long as you keep improving yourself, that’s good enough.

We all knew how ridiculously hard and insane the questions are for your level. And it doesn’t  your true potential my dears! . 

You have more than that. And even though with all or our reasons that we thought could possibly affect us in our study, don’t forget that we too must look into ourselves and reflect.

Have you done enough to get what you want?

Is your will strong enough to get what you want?

Have you sacrifice all the sementara things for your aim?

And have you push yourself to your limit?

If the answer is no, then you have to improve yourselves. 

But if the answer is yes, then just accept it with an open heart because one can do so much, but ALLAh holds the results.

There is always room for improvement. You are no less than anyone, you just need to start again. 

If tonight, those who got straight As are celebrating merrily their achievements, I don’t blame them, they deserve it, but let us celebrate tonight by praying syukur to Allah. 

Say; Ya Allah, Alhamdulilah. We did our best , and this is the result you give me, thank you Allah. I'm thankful to you. inshaaAllah He will give you more.

Say sorry to ummi and abah if you had let them down.

 I’m having premenstrual syndromes right now I think that why I’m being a little bit emotional but, all and all , I want to wish you  


And may your paths to the next phase be clear and full of success for this world and the afterworld even more!

Your emotional sister.
Kak Dayah

Hidayah sent this message thru whataps. 
Very nice written so umi share here. 

Disebabkan Dayah selalu dapat Straight A dalam UPSR, PMR dan SPM, dia merasakan tentulah adik kembarnya merasa kecewa dengan keputusan PT3 mereka, dan dia tak mahu adik2nya merasa terlalu kecewa.

Respons Abah:      We should do our best rather than be the best.

Mereka rasa sangat terharu atas sokongan ahli keluarga . keluarga Hj Dalib...Paling win.. pak long  . Pak Long menghadiahkan RM50/A kepada semua anak-anak buahnya yang mendapat result PT3. Wah ....happy sangatlah . Semoga rezeki Pak Long lebih murah dan  beliau dirahmati dunia dan akhirat. 

Tahniah kepada semua anak-anak ini:

1. MuhammadUmar Firdaus bin Airil Razlan ---10A
2. Athirah binti Dato Hj Ir Mohamad  ---7A
3. Nur Farhana binti Abdul Hadi    ---- 7A
4. Nur Faraha binti Abdul Hadi   ------- 6 A

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