Tuesday, February 10, 2015



Anna dan Aha suka mencabar diri dan kebolehan dengan menyertai pertandingan di sekolah sejak dari sekolah rendah lagi. Mentor nya adalah abang Luqman yang memang aktif dan selalu masuk berbagai pertandingan  di sekolahnya. Kedua-dua kakaknya juga hebat dan selalu memberi dorongan dan idea.

Baru-baru ni, kedua-duanya nak masuk pertandingan POEM. Sepanjang hari mencari idea untuk menghasilkan POEM yang bersesuaian . Kesian pulak tengok mereka lalu saya pun meminta bantuan kedua-dua kakaknya menghasilkan poem setelah tajuknya saya pilih.

 Hidayah - The 9 month Mystery dan Nina - Twin. 

Saya pilih dua tajuk yang berbeza sebabnya saya tahu karakter kedua-dua mereka yang berbeza. Hidayah akan hasilkan POEM yang menyentuh hati dan Nina akan hasilkan POEM yang humour.

Alhamdulilah...mereka dapat menghasilkan POEM yang sangat menyentuh hari dan kreatif, lebih dari yang saya jangka kan. Terima Kasih Allah memberikan saya  anak-anak yang sangat berbakat dan baik. Semoga kejayaan dan kebahagian milik mereka di dunia dan akhirat.


When two become one is a miracle and then it becomes two again?
Wao! That’s impossible
But impossible had become possible,
That’s the sign of existence of Allah, the Incomparable,

What is this? Such happy news but sickness comes along with it
Weakness over weakness each day.
For 9 months or maybe a delay

Nausea, vomiting, back pain and shortness of breath
But she’s still keeping the faith that she have
Tears in her eyes but she is still smiling

when for the first time she heard my heart beating
Really? Its yours?

Couldn’t walk long distance, her foot will ache,
Cannot sit for long hours either, her back will ache,

Tossed and turn she goes, but she still couldn’t sleep,
But she put her hand on me, hoping I wouldn’t weep,

She stays strong because she knew, it will worth it,
Everywhere she goes, whatever she does, whenever it was,
she still has to go through it,

But it’s amazing, when I enjoy the beat of her heart, so close
when she drink, my thirst quenched
And when she eat, I am full,
I say ; Love is all I need to live
but someone else says; Dude, oxygen is more important
Yeah, and her BREATH is once MINE..

people ask him he said two
Everybody laugh but they didn’t knew
What he said was all along true

First trimester has gone through,
The morning sickness had ceased too,
But now her tummy is getting bigger,
And not to forget even more heavier,
A little massage behind her back,
Will come handy for her stomachache,

Holding her hands tight, almost all the time,
Giving her all the supports, as much he can,
Never want to leave her, even just for a second,
So he prayed to Allah, as he is just a human,
To take care of her, in his absence.

Another day, another month,
The time passing by, its almost time
To part is a sweet pain
9 months finally come to an end
Now come a horrendous pain
She screams, she shouts, she takes a deep breath and fight
Fear is not her choice, she has might

She put herself behind as she deliver
Those mysterious gifts which God had gave her
2 little princesses comes out healthy and strong
Just like the mother they are both belong
Now what’s mystery is a reality
For now she had seen, what she’d never see
She feels the love at the first sight
Fear not little fellas, she will continue to fight!
And who is she?
We call her Ummi
She calls us my baby

By: Hidayah Hadi
9 Feb 2015

For Ana and Aha

It has been a norm when people ask us
What it’s like to be twins?
We actually don’t have any decent answer for that
It feels so… Normal
It’s like asking what it is like to live in a house.
Anyway, here we go.

You are a part of me
I am a part of you.
I always want what she has
Because a cookie just tastes better when it’s someone else’s
There are some days we love each other like no one could understand
And some days we just want to kill one another, no more second chance.

I wish we don’t have to always match everything.
And I always wish people can differentiate us
We can’t blame them anyway
Because sometimes when I look at the our baby photos
I am also not sure if that was you or me in pajamas

The role is always changing,
Of who is smarter?
And who is nicer?
When it came to pretty much anything,
We were extremely competitive
Because the biggest fear we have is having people to compare us, two
At some point we just knew that we can’t compete
Being better than you would make me happy
But seeing you’re sad make me sad too

Sometimes I wish I have no twin sister
Sometimes I am just glad to have her
Whenever you are not around I try not to miss you,
But in the end I know I still do

Yeah we know it’s complicated
But you know what, it’s a twin thing

By: Amanina Hadi
9 Feb 2015



Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...