Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Hargailah Ibu Anda

CnP from (Fb) Islam Practice

Take two minutes out of your time...

Imagine your mum was on the silver bed that they wash dead bodies upon... 

You make wudhu upon her and then start to wash her hair, you run your hand through her greyed hair, you remember the times she would ask you if she looked nice in what she was wearing, 

you remember how sweet she was and how beautiful she was in her youth, 

you realise this will be the last time you touch your mother in this dunya, 

you lift her left side over and it strikes you that she can no longer wash her own self although she was the one who used to wash you, 

you pour the water over her body and start to remember the times she used to wash you and clothe you and feed you and stay up at night by your side worried about you, a young girl/boy or grown man/grown woman she treated you the same, her beloved daughter/son who she would give up her world for, 

you take a look at her face and wish she would smile at you one last time, you realise the small things you took for granted, you remember the jokes that you said and used to make her laugh and the things that you said to please her...

You begin to shroud her body and its time to cover her face.....

You ask for one last chance to look at her beauty and kiss her upon her forehead, you shroud her and will never see her again in this life...

Upon your shoulder she is carried just as upon hers she used to carry you, no more playing, laughing, giggling, joking.. pain and crying as you carry the most important woman in your life out of your life...

You bury her and as you walk away you begin to remember the things you did that hurt her, Those words you said that she would overlook but you know brought her pain, you think about the times you chose your friends over her, your wife/husband over her, a program you preferred to watch over her, you begin to realise that she deserved more from, you wish for one moment to hug her and tell her how sorry you are and tell her how much you appreciate her...

It's too late...

Her bed is the dust and her questioning will begin... If only you made use of your time with her before her time came to an end....

That day is coming soon ya ikhwan wa akhawat (O bros and sisters)

don't let it be a time of regret and remorse...


May الله سبحانه وتعالى grant all our beloved mothers who have passed away the highest stages in Jannatul Firdaus
آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ

And to all of those whose mothers are still alive... may Allah grant them barakah in their lives... n grant us the ability to respect, honour n serve them


And to those whose mothers are not muslims May Allah give them hidayah

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Marriage advice

Marriage Advice To You All...

1. Choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. Love is a commitment, not a feeling.

2. Always answer the phone when your husband/wife is calling and when possible, try to keep your phone off/on silent when you’re together with your spouse.

3. Make time together a priority. Budget for a consistent date night. Time is the “currency of relationships” so consistently invest time into your marriage.

4. Surround yourself with friends who will strengthen your marriage and remove yourself from people who may tempt you to compromise your character.

5. Make laughter the soundtrack of your marriage. Share moments of joy, and even in the hard times, find reasons to laugh.

6. In every argument, remember that there won’t be a “winner” and a “loser.” You are partners in everything so you’ll either win together or lose together. Work together to find a solution.

7. Remember that a strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It’s usually a husband and wife taking turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.

8. Prioritize what happens in the bedroom. It takes more than sex to build a strong marriage, but it’s nearly impossible to build a strong marriage without it.

9. Remember that marriage isn’t 50-50, divorce is 50-50. Marriage has to be 100-100. It’s not splitting everything in half, but both partners giving everything they’ve got.

10. Give your best to each other, not your leftovers after you’ve given your best to everyone else.

11. Learn from other people, but don’t feel the need to compare your life or your marriage to anyone else’s. Allah's plan for your life is masterfully unique.

12. Don’t put your marriage on hold while you’re raising your kids or else you’ll end up with an empty nest and an empty marriage.

13. Never keep secrets from each other. Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy.

14. Never lie to each other. Lies break trust and trust is the foundation of a strong marriage.

15. When you’ve made a mistake, admit it and humbly seek forgiveness. You should be quick to say, “I was wrong. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

16. When your husband/wife breaks your trust, give them your forgiveness instantly which will promote healing and create the opportunity for trust to be rebuilt. You should be quick to say, “I love you. I forgive you. Let’s move forward.”

17. Be patient with each other. Your spouse is always more important that your schedule.

18. Model the kind of marriage that will make your sons want to grow up to be good husbands and your daughters want to grow up to be good wives.

19. Be your spouse’s biggest encourager, not his/her biggest critic. Be the one who wipes away their tears, not the one who causes them.

20. Never talk badly about your spouse to other people or vent about them online. Protect your spouse at all times and in all places.

21. Pray together. Every marriage is stronger with Allah in the middle of it.

22. Never consider divorce as an option. Remember that a “perfect marriage” is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other!

CnP from Fb Islamic Practices.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Pulau Besar

Different Interest


Dua perbezaan minat anak2. Walaupun dari kedua ibubapa yang sama, perbezaan bukanlah suatu yang luarbiasa. Sokongan dan Doa keluarga penting untuk membantu anak-anak berjaya dalam bidang yang mereka minati

No 5: Aha's Tools

No 4: Achik's Tools

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Jangan tinggal solat. Solat lah. Jangan lupa Tuhan mu. Tanda syukur atas segala nikmatNya. InsyaAllah hidupmu akan tenang.

Auto Mobile


Repair kereta kat rumah?

Betul2 jimat masa kita dan boleh buat kerja lain semasa kereta di baiki


Assalamualaikum Macam mimpi....kejab je masa berlalu. Dah dewasa acik.  Dia pula yang merantau jauh, mencari rezeki di negara ji...